Trade License in Saudi Arabia: Fee & Requirements

Location is one of the features that influence most business success. In other words, choosing the better place for your company could make it an excellent investment. In this sense, you can find it helpful to know about the fee and requirements of a trade License in Saudi Arabia.

Fortunately, you can use this article to learn about a trade license in Saudi Arabia. Here, you will discover what it is, its cost, and how you can get it adequately. Therefore, make the best business decision of your life after reviewing the following topics:

  1. What is a trade license in Saudi Arabia?
  2. How much does it cost to get a trade license in Saudi Arabia?
  3. How can you get a Trade License in Saudi Arabia?
  4. What business can you start with a trade license in Saudi Arabia?
  5. Where can you find more information about the trade license in Saudi Arabia?

What is a trade license in Saudi Arabia?

Trade License in Saudi Arabia

Some tasks may require a legal document before performing them to avoid issues with authorities. It is similar to why car drivers in Saudi Arabia need a driving license to operate a vehicle. In other words, it allows you to demonstrate that you are operating within the law.

In the case of business, such a document takes the form of a trade license in Saudi Arabia. Above all, it will allow you to perform processes such as starting a company or making an investment. Logically, you could be in trouble if you set up your business without it.

Most importantly, a trade license in Saudi Arabia is an essential document for foreigners in the KSA. Ergo, it will be one of the first steps your KSA branch opening services provider will ask them to do. This way, authorities can verify if your business does not violate the country’s laws.

Nevertheless, your management team can ask you if your budget is enough for a trade license in Saudi Arabia. Assuredly, you could think it is an expensive process. But our next topic will reveal that it can be financially feasible.

How much does it cost to get a trade license in Saudi Arabia?

The employees who provide you with accountant services can often talk about expenses. By all odds, such talks could include the cost of a Baladiya license in Saudi Arabia. Let us show you the fee you will need to pay to get it.

First and foremost, you will need to visit the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAIGA) and the Ministry of Commerce & Industry (MOCI). All the procedures in those authorities will cost you 2000 SAR. Indeed, it is the first fee to get a SAIGA license in Saudi Arabia.

On the other hand, you will also need to pay a registration fee and a Chamber of Commerce membership fee. The first one is 650 SAR, and the second one is 2,000 SAR. Unequivocally, your accounting consultants in Saudi Arabia will tell you that such fees will not affect your finances.

In short, it is not as expensive as it seems to get a trade license in Saudi Arabia. Hence, it is time you begin to learn the process of getting one for your company. Our following subject will show you everything you need to know about it.

How can you get a Trade License in Saudi Arabia?

Trade License in Saudi Arabia

It is possible to compare the process of getting a trade license in Saudi Arabia to the process immigration services involve. After all, it will take you through several places before succeeding in your quest. Let us show you how you can get this license effectively.

Our desire to help you start a business in Saudi Arabia as a foreigner could be complicated as we prepared detailed information about each step of this process. Consequently, you will know what to explain to your team regarding getting a SAIGA license in Saudi Arabia.

Moreover, there could be other steps in the process depending on your business location in the KSA. Thus, make sure to hire an assistance team familiar with Saudi laws. Assuredly, they will keep you on the right track to getting a Baladiya license in Saudi Arabia.

Come and review the following steps you must follow to get a trade license in Saudi Arabia:

Licensing and registering

Beginning any business in the KSA will require you to license and register it. In other words, it involves giving your startup in Saudi Arabia a valid certificate and a registered name. Here, you will learn how to do it without unexpected problems.

The first stage to getting a trade license in Saudi Arabia is taking your investors to the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority. There, they need to issue a SAIGA license in Saudi Arabia. Above all, it will allow them to invest legally inside the country.

After they complete the process in SAIGA, you must register your holding company in the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. This process will require you to pay the 200 SAR fee and take five working days. However, there are cases where this part of the process took 15 years.

With your company adequately licensed and registered, you now have to verify if its name is not a duplicate. Namely, it will involve the registration and reservation of its name. Our next topic is a must-read for you if you want to know about it.

Registration and reservation of the name

Registering and reserving your business name is a task also performed together with MOCI. However, you can do this online and still have time for your Saudi Arabia tax. As a result, you could end up with a MISA license in Saudi Arabia and your financial obligations covered.

Most importantly, it is a process that does not involve paying fees. Hence, it will allow you to check without cost if some businesses are using the name you want. By all odds, you do not desire your process of getting a trade license in Saudi Arabia to become legal disputes.

Last, we recommend being creative about the name you want to register. Who knows? Maybe your family with a residence visa in Saudi Arabia could give you a good idea. You would not imagine the excellent results a great name for marketing could get for you.

Submitting the articles of association & notarization

KSA laws state that you cannot get your trade license in Saudi Arabia without submitting the Articles of Association and Notarization. In this sense, lawyers in Saudi Arabia will explain that you need to submit both to the MOCI. Let us teach you what each one is in detail.

The articles of association involve the corporate memorandum of association of your company. Filling out this memo is something you can do online without charge. Furthermore, you can hire a professional with a digital nomad visa to help you with this matter.

Next, you must notarize the memo after being authenticated by MOCI. You can continue your path to a Baladiya license in Saudi Arabia by performing this task with a notary office. It will only take three days and is also free of charge.

At this point, the Ministry will ask you to get a place where your financial resources can be safe and available. Ergo, you have to open your bank account.

Opening your bank Account

Undoubtedly, you cannot follow the trend of attractive investment industries in Saudi Arabia without opening a bank account. Luckily, the KSA is a country where several institutions can provide this service. They all want you to get your MISA license in Saudi Arabia successfully.

Opening your bank account will take you one working day and will not require any money. As a result, you will leave the bank with a necessary tool every business must have. After all, they will need it for their payroll services, production expenses, and more.

Moreover, you can use your new bank account to pay the final fee in the registration process. With such a payment, you will be on the right track to getting your company trade license in Saudi Arabia. Which one is this final fee? You will find the answer in the following subject.

Obtaining your Certificate of Registration

The final step of this process of beginning your business life in KSA and obtaining your Baladiya license in Saudi Arabia is receiving your Certificate of Registration. In financial terms, it will involve a fee of 650 SAR. This way, they will issue the publication of your Articles of Association.

After you pay the fee, you only need to wait two days to get your Certificate of Registration. Above all, your legal services team will tell you that there are more steps to follow. For instance, you also must register your business with the Ministry of Labor.

Nonetheless, they will also tell you that you have everything you need for your trade license in Saudi Arabia with your certificate. Thus, you can then start designing business strategies to make your company grow. By all odds, the Kingdom has terrific advantages in this matter.

Getting a Baladiya license in Saudi Arabia is not the only process you should learn. It is also essential to understand the businesses you can start with it. Indeed, some of them could require visa services for their employees.

What business can you start with a trade license in Saudi Arabia?

Documents such as a MISA license in Saudi Arabia can open several doors for you in the business scene. Most importantly, it can lead you to require PRO services for your company. But what doors do you need to cross? It will depend on the type of organization you have.

To help you decide which type you can use, we also prepared detailed information about some business types in Saudi Arabia. Consequently, you could detect if you need a residence permit for the business you want.

Let us show you some of the businesses you can start with a SAIGA license in Saudi Arabia:

Subsidiary Company

A subsidiary or limited liability company (LLC) is the most common type of business in the Kingdom. Furthermore, it is also the most popular with foreign investors who need audit firms in Saudi Arabia.

Besides requiring a trade license in Saudi Arabia, you will need 500,000 SAR to establish an LLC. On the other hand, you will require to have between two and 50 shareholders.

Branch Office

A branch office is an option foreign companies can use to establish a hub in the country. Commercially, it can operate the same way a limited liability company does. But their process for getting a trade license in Saudi Arabia is slightly different.

In essence, you will need the same capital that an LLC requires. However, the process of getting a trade license in Saudi Arabia will not involve any Articles of Association.

What do we offer you?

Saudi Company Formation offers Business Setup in Saudi Arabia Services and is also an expert Trade License agent in Saudi Arabia that offers who understands all the licensing activities and assists companies or entities who are looking to expand their company in Saudi Arabia.

KSA is a nation where a prosperous economy can help your business in numerous ways. Nonetheless, you cannot begin one in the country without following some rules. Unequivocally, the most important of them is getting a trade license in Saudi Arabia for your company.

Fortunately, the Kingdom is a place where you can find all the assistance you need on this matter. Indeed, several firms can help you in several ways. But you will not find a better ally for getting your MISA license in Saudi Arabia than Saudi Company Formation.

Saudi Company Formation

Let us help you get your trade license in Saudi Arabia through our excellent services. Feel free to contact us to discover how to get your Certificate of Registration. You can give us a call at +971 43 316 688. Our email box is also waiting for your message at

Saudi Arabia is also a country where terrific job offers appear every day. You can review them in detail at The Talent Point. Apply for the one you like by signing up at or by submitting your CV to

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