Saudi Labor Law: Online Complaint to Labour Court in Saudi Arabia

online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia

An online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia is a way to resolve any disputes between employees and employers. Likewise, you will have the convenience of doing this procedure easily online by simply connecting to the network. Hence, the courts in charge of labor disputes will help you find a friendly solution when possible.

In this article, you will see what the rights of employees are to file a complaint in court. Likewise, you will learn how to file a complaint in Saudi labor office online.

Huroob provision during labor case

online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia

Before submitting the case to the court, you should transfer your Iqama. On the other hand, it is convenient to know that the employer will not be able to impose Huroob on workers in the following cases:

Reasons to file an online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia

Generally, employees file complaints about workplace inconveniences in court for the following reasons:

  • End of service benefits.
  • Termination of the employment contract due to unjustified dismissal based on Article 77 of the Saudi Labor Law.
  • Delay in payment of salaries.

Steps to create the MOL account

In the case of a dispute with an employer, the employee may file a complaint in a Saudi Arabia labour court online. Next, we will show you the steps for the said procedure:

  1. Login to the MOL account on the website of the ministry at: Otherwise, since you do not have one, you must create it to proceed.
  2. After logging in, click the icon next to the username.
  3. Then, select (بوابة الافراد) in the menu that will appear.
  4. On the next page, select Case Management.
  5. Finally, write the complaint.

How to file complaint against employer in Saudi Arabia?

On the MOL web page, you will need to carefully fill out a lengthy form to file a complaint against Kafeel in the Saudi labour court. Therefore, add the information as follows:

Details of the claimant

The MOL page system will search for the Iqama name and number while you have to enter and select the following:

  • صفة المدعي: أصيل.
  • اللغة الام للمدعي (Mother tongue).
  • اقرب مكتب عمل لآخر مقر عمل (The employment office closest to the workplace of your employer).
  • عامل منزلي (Domestic worker).
  • عامل (Normal worker).

Address of the complainant

Likewise, to continue with the Saudi labor court online complaint, you will need to enter the address details as follows:

  • منطقة (Province, i.e. Makkah, Tabuk).
  • مدينة (City).
  • حى (District).
  • شارع (Street).
  • رقم المبنى (Building number).
  • الرمز البريدي (Postal Code).

Details of the Defendant

On the next page, enter the details of the defendant employer or other cases in the labor court.

  • نوع المدعي عليه (جهات غير حكومية).
  • اسم المنشأة (Select the name of Kafeel to file the case).
  • Then, enter the address of the said Kafeel.

Working Information

Likewise, to continue with the online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia, enter your current employment information.

  • نوع الأجر (Monthly) ( شهريا ).
  • نوع العقد (Type of contract) (محدد المدة).
  • الراتب الحالي (Gross salary).
  • تاريخ العقد (Contract start date).
  • تاريخ انتهاء العقد (Contract expiration date).
  • ما زال على رأس العمل (Are you still at work?).
  • السبب (Select the correct reason).
  • تاريخ اخر يوم عمل (Last day of work).

Case details

Also, specify the type of case you will file in the online complaint in the Saudi labor court against the Kafeel (employer). Of course, make sure to correctly select the main categories and subcategories depending on the topic.

  • الفئه الرئيسية (Main category).
  • الفئة الفرعية (Subcategory).
  • Similarly, add other required details.

Upload documents

At this stage, attach all the documents that correspond to the case required by the labor court. Also, provide any other additional documents that contribute to the case you are presenting.

Signature of recognition

As an important step in proceeding with the online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia, the page will ask you to sign an acknowledgment. Likewise, said recognition states that when trying to present incorrect information for the application, the court may penalize you.

File the complaint

Finally, upon signing the acknowledgment and filing the complaint, after a few days, you will receive a message via SMS. Likewise, the text will indicate the beginning of the first hearing in the friendly settlement court of Saudi Arabia.

The Friendly Settlement Court

Generally, the friendly settlement court will hear the case within 21 days. On the other hand, upon reaching a friendly agreement with the employer, the case will be designated and you will be given the agreement. Otherwise, for not finding an amicable solution to said case, the labor court will receive the said case.

The Courts of First Instance

The lower courts will hear the online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the process at this stage of the case does not have a time limit. For example, it could culminate in the first stage of the complaint or take several months depending on the complication of the case.

Also, it will take a while due to the number of cases the court handles. In addition, the court will hold several hearings and will proceed with the decision-making by the labor justice system.

Presentation of the case on the Najiz platform

If the decision of the trial court does not satisfy the plaintiff, he/she must proceed the way we will explain. Likewise, the accuser must complete the steps to file the case within 30 days on the Najiz platform. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Visit the Najiz website (
  2. Then, click on دخول, (log in).
  3. Now, enter the Iqama number.
  4. You have to approve access to Nafath.
  5. After successfully entering the Najiz platform, click on the 4 blocks.
  6. Select the service القضاء (Judiciary).
  7. Select the option الاعتراض على الحكم (Objection to the sentence).
  8. Then, click on تقديم طلب جديد (submit a new application).
  9. The page will open a new window where you will click on طلب جديد to file the case against the employer.

On the other hand, although you can present the case yourself, you can hire the services of a lawyer or a person who speaks Arabic. For example, in the case of an employer who applies an illegal dismissal or does not pay benefits under labor laws, you may complete the following:

  • Classification of the main lawsuit: labor.
  • Sub classification of the lawsuit: compensation.
  • Type of lawsuit: Termination of the labor relationship by the employer.

Also, complete the rest of the process and attach the documents to file the online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia.

The Execution Courts

When the payment is not made according to the court decision, file the case with the Saudi execution or implementation court through the Najiz platform.

Saudi government mechanism for solving labor disputes

The mechanism implemented to resolve labor disputes in Saudi Arabia is made up of labor offices and commissions empowered for said process. Likewise, it applies preliminary commissions for the resolution of labor disputes. In addition, there is a high commission for the resolution of labor disputes.

Labor Offices (maktab al-amal: مكتب  العمل )

An employee has the right to contact a labor office corresponding to the work area to file a complaint of the violation of his/her rights. Likewise, the Saudi labor law supports the procedure. Also, there are 37 labor offices in various parts of the country. In addition, these labor offices examine labor conflicts and seek a friendly solution that benefits both parties.

Otherwise, conflicts will be sent to the preliminary commission for the resolution of problems. However, labor offices will not accept a case presented after 12 months after the conflict. In the same way, the rule applies at the end of the employment contract of the complainant.

Preliminary Commission for the Resolution of Labor Conflicts

The commission acts as a private court that considers labor cases and resolves them under labor law.

High Commission for the Resolution of Labor Conflicts

online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia

Either party may appeal the decisions of the preliminary commission to the high commission. Furthermore, the action must be taken within 30 days following the date of delivery of the decision of the preliminary commission. Also, the decision of the high commission will be final and will bind both parties.

However, if one of the parties does not apply within 30 days, the decision made by the corresponding preliminary commission will be final. Likewise, all decisions of the high commission will apply after the date of issue.

In conclusion, an employee can expose his or her work problems through an online complaint to labour court Saudi Arabia. Likewise, this entity will file the complaint by applying the law for the peaceful resolution of the conflict. If you still want to know more about the topic, you can contact us to provide you with the advice you need.


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